Nakamura and Vachier-Lagrave playing Live Chess

Nakamura and Vachier-Lagrave playing Live Chess

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Hi folks,

today I was lucky enough to catch two of the strongest GMs in the world playing some live games here, on I though it might be a good idea to record their games so that everyone can see them playing live chess.

First it was Hikaru Nakamura who played a couple of bullet sessions against IM Yaacov Norowitz. Now Yaacov is very strong on speed chess but he didnt have any chance against Hikaru, arguably the best bullet player in history. I think Nakamura was making like 15 of his first moves as white in 5-6 seconds, that´s insane, isn´t it?. Hopefully you will get the moves because they were playing extremely fast!!

Right after Hikaru, Maxime Vachier-Lagrave was in the server and played a series of 3 minutes games with a player from Norway. 3 minutes for each player gives you some time to see the moves and some of the ideas this super GM displays on the board and actually I tried to make some useful comments for the first games ( I´m pretty sure almost everybody would rather had me hushed :)

Just let me know your thoughts and opinions. I really hope you liked the videos, and thanks for watching.