
Blackmar-Diemer Gambit - Play to End the Game - Part 2

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Don't listen to the critics, the Blackmar–Diemer has a record of scoring 49% wins for White, 34% wins for Black, and 17% draws, per The ChessOK Opening Tree Mode. Learn this opening and have fun with it as a secret weapon. I do, and I love it!

BK Academy of Chess presents:

Blackmar-Diemer Gambit - Mainline

This video is not only for the gambiteers, but also for those that have face this gambit which can get very aggressive.  Learn the sharp lines, the defenses and attacks, as well as how to turn up the pressure or to slow things down for those that perfer positional play. In short, this video has something for everyone.

Here's a quote by Master William Ewart Napier:

"In the laboratory the gambits all test unfavorably, but the old rule wears well, that all gambits are sound over the board."