Wake up new ICBM puzzles have dropped

Wake up new ICBM puzzles have dropped

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Hello and welcome to the ICBM (InterContinental Ballistic Missile), where I discuss how the trap works, and potential pitfalls. Very good in lower Elos, and has occurred in various forms in my games.
Below we see what the basic principle of the position is in the Tennison Gambit. You may be thinking "wow this dude is such a nerd with his Tennison Gambit" and you'd be right, but this is a position that occurs from premoving e4 Nf3 every game as white.
A similar Position can be found in the Caro-Kann, which is admittedly a little more forced, but this leads to an even more deadly version, see if you can find the mate!
Is the Game over in both variations?
Going back to the Tennison gambit variation, always move Queen back to d1 at the end, this removes all types of traps and difficult situations while still having a winning material advantage - You can very easily lose the game if this not respected!