Chess University Classess: Is it worth it?

Chess University Classess: Is it worth it?

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Don't fear the Sicilian course will be closed for registration in just a couple days, and so far I only see 9 people signed up (with a minimum of 20!). I have been on the fence about taking this course ever since Chess University was introduced. The sign up deadline is coming up soon, and I need a little push in one direction or the other before it's too late.

What I like about it:

My goal is to eventually become a Grand Master, and I believe that spending time with a master and learning how they break down and analyze a position will be crucial.

I've spoken with Grand Masters about personal tutoring before. What was I quoted for the lessons? $125 an hour. AN HOUR. With my diamond membership 10% discount and it being my first class 10% discount, I'd be paying $180. That makes this course dirt cheap.

I play Sicilian positions every time my opponent plays 1. e4 from black's side. I would love to study what others are studying to defeat me. Stay 1 step ahead!

What I don't like about it:
The course starts on Friday the 13th. It's a bad omen.

While $180 is dirt cheap in the world of chess mentorship, it's certainly not cheap to my personal budget. Can I really justify such a purchase on a game?

The classes start on 1pm Pacific Time, this has to be the worst time possible (sorry Danny)

I'm not sure what time commitment is going to be asked of me.

I have been studying chess on my own and with the aid of the instructional videos and chess mentor. However, I'm not sure how much help it would be. Does anyone else have any experience with how much a little personal attention from a master can help your game?
