What Is The Longest Possible Game Of Chess?
The longest chess game ever played in an official tournament as of writing this post was Nikolić vs Arsović played in Belgrade in the year 1989, This game lasted 269 moves and took 20 hours to complete! The game ended up being a draw:
When I first heard this, two things came into my mind. First, how did this game end up being more than five times longer than the average game? Second, How long is the longest possible chess game and how would we figure this out? To discover this, we need to take a look at a few of the rules that will play a big factor in finding the answer.
Rule #1: The 50 move rule
Preventing the game from playing indefinitely, in this rule the capture of a piece or a pawn move must be made within 50 moves of the previous pawn move or capture otherwise either player can claim a draw and in this case if a draw can be claimed it will be.
Rule #2: 3 Move Repetition
Simply put, if a position is repeated on the board 3 times a draw can be claimed so we will also be avoiding this carefully.
Rule #3: Insufficient Material
If there isn't sufficient material on the board to checkmate either of the kings, the game will immediately be declared a draw, in this case we want our final piece to be a rook or a queen so we can add another 50 moves to our total move count.
Rule #4: Checkmating and the capture of the kings
The capture of a king is NOT a possible move, however if a king is in check (currently under attack by an enemy piece) and cannot escape then the game will be ended, our dream position is having every single piece off of the board except for the kings.
Here the 50 also represents the maximum moves available before a reset and 8 represents the amount of resets we have lost to achieve the desired structure. Using this equation we now are at the number 5900 and we are almost at the final answer, but what are we missing? Well if we recall back to the idea of tempi and how each move requires two tempi, we also know that the "50 move rule" then has 100 tempi, and if we were to capture a piece or move a pawn one tempi too early we lose half a move, well in order to play out the entire game there will be several points in which we lose a tempi, lets look at them!
Tempi Loss #1
We lose our first tempi at move 150 when white has no more pieces to sacrifice as if white moves a pawn to sacrifice more pieces we lose a tempi, instead we now have black sacrifice four of their pieces since they are now able to move 4 pieces out of their pawn chain to give white the desired structure:
Tempi Loss #2
The second tempi loss will occur on move 349 when white has achieved the desired structure and now must return the favour and fix all of blacks pawn structure.
Once this happens it is now turn for black to also capture all of whites pieces (except for the pawns and king of course!) and finally promote all of their pawns.
Tempi Loss #3
The stage at which this tempi is lost may be different for others depending on whether or not black decided to capture whites remaining rook, however I did decide to keep the piece on the board. Black has now promoted all of their pawns, I decided to make every single pawn a knight as any other piece makes it more difficult to prevent a potential checkmate.
It is now whites turn to capture all of blacks pieces and to start promoting all of their pawns
Tempi Loss #4
The fourth and final tempi will be lost on move 5498 as now it is blacks turn to capture all of whites pieces
Now black captures all of whites remaining pieces and the game concludes on the move 5898.
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Thank you for reading!