A village which is addicted to Chess !!

A village which is addicted to Chess !!

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                   Addiction is not for the mobile or alcohol but for chess! it is incredible but it's true

                     There is a man called Unnikrishnan. He has a small restaurant. One day In his village, all seems to be boring. So they start drinking alcohol and get addicted to it.  Thus Unnikrishnan takes a step to avoid this addiction and get rid of boredom. He introduced an ancient game that was invented in his country called chess.

                   This is the village called Marottichal, Kerala, India. After introducing chess he taught how to play this game for free. Unnikrishnan bought some chessboards and gave people facilities to play chess in his restaurant.

Unnikrishnan in the right

                  The people of Marottichal get interested in chess and started playing chess. it means 90% of this village plays chess. When BBC visited here Unnikrishnan told the BBC: “On a chess board you are fighting, as we are also fighting the hardships in our daily life. Chess helps us overcome difficulties and sufferings”.The Indian grandmaster Vishwanathan Anand congratulated this village. People visit this place from all over the country to play chess. Nasdaily visited here and takes a short about this village. If you get a chance to visit India, don't forget to visit this chess-addicted village.

                     Unnikrishnan got an Asian record for changing this village to chess addiction. after this, a film was created called August Club.


Unnikrishnan gives us 2 valuable morals: you can change the world if you take a step toward it.

The second one is: Say no to drugs and try to stop them with your human power.

That's all, thank you and have a nice day.