Checkmate Painting
Checkmate Painting Position

Checkmate Painting

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I have recently been very much interested in finding some cool use cases of chess in real life. One that seems quite popular, especially in religious circles is the story of checkmate painting.

If someone wants to read my full deep dive about the topic - head into the article on my site about Checkmate Painting. I would greatly apprecieate any comments, these is one of my first articles grin.png

In short checkmate painting features an intense battle between good and evil. Devil ( or mephisto to be precise) is about to trash Faust ( the guy on the right side, with wide back and red shirt). in few moves white is going to be checkmated and with that goes his soul. 

The painting has been hanging ( supposedly in Louvre but as per my article, might not neccesarily) on the wall for some time, not getting huge amounts of attention for like 50 years.

Then, in a prominent chess magazine it was mentioned that Paul Morphy has seen the painting, heard the story but said - hey its not actually a checkmate, lets set up the chess pieces and i will show you how can i win with black. and he does, and the story is then used as an example that even when everything seems lost you can still win, you can fight the devil and win. 

Putting all aside - wanted to see how the story translates to an actual reality - as technically it should be easy to check if white can indeed win. 

know this has already been approached by and  

but it still did not give me peace, seemed like few pieces were missing ( my image also misses 1 black pieces but seems like i've got most of others accounted for)

there were few descriptions of what and where each chess figures were located in checkmate painting so used that as a main point. Below is what i managed to get, together with board to play it out. Other option is that the picture we see is not the original version, there's etsy vertsion which has the same name but slightly different layout. What do you think?