Play with Kosteniuk in Nashville SuperNationals!

Play with Kosteniuk in Nashville SuperNationals!

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The USCF has announced that 12th Women’s World Chess Champion and Chess Queen™ Alexandra Kosteniuk has been invited to the Nashville Chess SuperNationals, which take place Friday, April 5th through Sunday April 7th, 2013 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort in Nashville, Tennessee. The SuperNationals is the largest event run by the USCF. More than 5,000 scholastic chess players are expected to attend, putting it among the largest chess events ever held. Alexandra will play a simul on Thursday at 2 PM. Here is the official page about the SuperNationals. Since the simul is limited to a maximum of 40 players, it’s recommended to sign up early. See you there!

GM Alexandra Kosteniuk

12th Women's World Chess Champion, Grandmaster, educator, Champion for Peace, marathon runner and a mom.

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Международный гроссмейстер, 12-ая чемпионка мира по шахматам, автор книг – «Как стать гроссмейстером в 14 лет», «Дневники шахматной королевы»,  «Играй, как я!», «Как научить шахматам. Дошкольный шахматный учебник», а также учебно-методического комплекса «Шахматные прописи для самых умных ребят».
