Positional Sacrifices Volume 1: Pawns - Kostya's Magnum Opus!

Positional Sacrifices Volume 1: Pawns - Kostya's Magnum Opus!

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IM Kostya Kavutskiy's finest video course: Positional Sacrifices Volume 1: Pawns is on ChessVL:

In this course, Kostya explores the vast topic of positional pawn sacrifices, where one side sacrifices a pawn (or two) in exchange for certain strategic advantages, such as: control of key squares, files and diagonals, the restriction of enemy pieces, damaging the opponent’s structure, and more. The course is jam-packed with many video lessons, extra PGN examples, puzzle packs, and other content suitable for 1500-2000 Elo (advanced and very advanced) level chess players.

You can preview the first lesson for free under the "curriculum" area and purchase the course by clicking on: "Enroll." Sign up this month to save 33% on Kostya's magnum opus. :-)

Chess University

Chess University is the world's #1 online chess academy. The academy offers live online seminars, courses, camps, and comprehensive training programs.

Chess University has been pioneering online chess education since inception and taught tens of thousands of students over the past several years. Our flagship offering, the Prodigy Program, helped break a record for the youngest master in American history.

Chess University has featured former world champions such as GM Anatoly Karpov and GM Viswanathan Anand as guest instructors in the Prodigy Program.

Our primary instructors include #1-selling coach Kairav Joshi, FM Dalton Perrine, and FM Arne Jochens. IM Kostya Kavutskiy and GM Alex Yermolinsky have made notable contributions to the academy and taught over the years.

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