Chessable Roundup: January Edition

Chessable Roundup: January Edition

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2025 is racing past us and we're already at the end of January.

This month we launched Variation Preview, a new way for you to grab free variations from any Chessable course, so you can make up your own mind on whether the course is for you.

Learn more about Variation Preview.

Of course, we also wanted to start off the year strong with some great new courses by top authors, including GM Sam Shankland, GM Ramesh R.B, former Women's World Champion GM Antoaneta Stefanova and FM Kamil Plichta.

PRO members were able to grab two awesome free courses too:
Short & Sweet: Arjun's Semi-Slav
Short & Sweet: Plichta's 1.e4 e5

We also caught up with two of our favorite authors, GM Srinath Narayanan and NM Bryan Tillis. Check out these interviews:

Going Above & Beyond with Srinath Narayanan
Coach's Corner with Bryan Tillis

Want to try out the famous training method that everyone is talking about?

Check out our article on how to use The Woodpecker Method to supercharge your tactics AND strategic skills.

Here's a few of this month's top releases:

  1. The Strategy Instructors Volume 3: The Exchange Sacrifice by GM Ramesh R.B. and GM Efstratios Grivas
  2. Fischer's Weapon Against the Najdorf: The Sozin Attack by GM Sahaj Grover
  3. Seal the Deal: How to Gain and Convert Middlegame Advantages by FM Dalton Perrine and GM Sam Shankland
  4. Lifetime Repertoires: Arjun's Semi-Slav
  5. Building Attacking Intuition in Chess by WGM Thalia Cervantes Landeiro
  6. Lifetime Repertoires: Plichta's 1.e4 e5

PS. Join our Club  the perfect place to test your openings in our thematic tournaments, join giveaways and keep up to date with the best ways to improve your chess.