The Early Years

The Early Years

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You might think I grew up with a love of chess and that I always had confidence in my skills, but you would be wrong. In my early years of chess I was far from good playing and did not have much love for the game, to me back then it was waste of time, boring, and had impossible strategy. Later on the tides started taking a wide turn, I was fourteen years old when I first learned about the Four Move Checkmate, or as I prefer to call it, The Scholars Mate. After I learned about the Scholars Mate I knew the key ideas to checkmate, in which the opponent's king cannot move to any square to oppose the check, their are no pieces to block the check,  the king is sort of captured, and the checkmating side is victorious.

Further more, when I was fifteen years old I noticed that chess was kind of fun as I grew right into it, and at the same my account was formed. My developed brain made it so much easier to understand everything about chess, and also made it easier for me with all the lessons and puzzles. 

Clear back when I was thirteen years old, I also developed a high interest for Paleontology, the study of fossils and prehistoric life including Dinosaurs. My liking of Paleontology distributes to the Dinosaur reference of my account. Finally, the last thing told in this blog is that since I just grew into liking chess and Dinosaurs, my account seems to be built off growing up, and someday might end from growing up.