Why are you Losing your Chess Games?

Why are you Losing your Chess Games?

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Hello and welcome back! Today I am going to explain why a lot of people are losing chess games, or on a big losing streak. So, let's jump right into this weird case!

Why are you losing all your games?

The reason why you are losing your games is because you are not at your interest point. What does that mean? It means that you want to play chess, but your brain is not really paying attention and you won't spot any tactics. Instead you are just making moves that sometimes don't make sense at all. Take myself for example, I have been on losing streaks many times! I was playing opponents at my skill level, but I just couldn't win! It's very weird at first, but it all makes sense once you really think about it.

How can you fix this?

You can fix this problem by taking day long breaks, or even a week long break depending on how bad your case is. This will give your brain a break from chess, as it is not at its interest point at the moment. Sometimes even doing anything chess related will make your brain go crazy again and now you have to take another break from chess.

Now, I am not saying that anyone sucks at chess in the post, I am just explaining why you are losing games, if you are. But if you're not, then don't take these breaks I have been telling you about. Keep playing chess!

Thanks for reading and I will see you in the next one! If you have questions, comment down below!