My Tricky Blitz Openings

My Tricky Blitz Openings

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Hi Chess Friends,

Watching the Grand Chess Tour final rounds today, I started thinking about the openings that I've had some success with in blitz. As a relatively new father, these quick games are mostly what I have time for these days, so the lines don't have to be 100% practical for slower play. Here are some options that have worked well for me, that I haven't seen covered much elsewhere.

1. The reversed Blackmar-Deimer

2. The fork trick English
I've had less success with this in slower time controls, although it has resulted in some spectacular games.
3. Wait, you can take that pawn variation of the Four Knights.
This line's playable, but fairly complicated. One nice point for blitz is that it's much better than it looks!

NM Jeremy Kane

Jeremy Kane is a National Master and three-time Wisconsin state champion. He is the Curriculum Director for He has been teaching chess in person and online for over 15 years and has designed hundreds of lessons, available on He is the author of Starting Out The Trompowsky on Chessable and The Next To Last Mistake, a book on defensive ideas in chess.

He is the developer of the Caro-Kane Variation of the Caro-Kann Defense.


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