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Once u-pawn a time, I held a very lame chess-themed contest for the sole purpose of promoting chess humour and filling blogspace ....

Enough pawn-tificating, I'm pawn-dering another contest ..... lets give you all more time this go-round .... til Sept first or thereabout.

Remember this is not a pawn-sie scheme, just a little fun with no cash reward .... no reward really .... just "taco" trophies for 1st, 2nd, and third.

Just submit your best (read worst) PUNs based on the ubiquitous PAWN.

You all know what a pawn is .... puns come in various shapes and sizes, submit whatever type you wish.

Keep it clean, keep it irrelevant, ..... no pawn-ography.

Looks like rain. Where's my pawn-cho?

Who's your favourite Beatle? Pawn, Jaul, Ringo, or George?