Fried liver attack one checkmate.

Fried liver attack one checkmate.

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Fried liver attack is the attack on f7 pawn which makes fork queen and rock and also expose your king you may even get checkmated when you blundered we are going to learn one checkmate (it is easy) here is the fried liver attack one checkmate:

The first blunder is knight takes d5 the second blunder is king goes to g8 but the real blunder is knight takes d5 because we can capture the pawn on f7 the king takes f7 then queen f3 check if the knight doesn't capture on d5 so there would be no check and the best move is knight goes to a5 and attacking white light squared bishop so here is how black avoiding to capture d5:


               Here is questions (it is puzzles) you can answer if you want to it is your choice.

                     Here is the puzzle so what you have to move after knight f6 and d5.

                                       what is the best move after pawn takes d5 (easy).

                                                                    Puzzle 3

                                                          how to checkmate black

                                                                   Last puzzle 

In this puzzle you can go up and remember the moves because this how to checkmate start to finish

                                   We are done for this blog I hope you like it wink.png.
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