Chess960: the possible future.

Chess960: the possible future.

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It's well known that standard chess has been studied intensively throughout the whole history. Theory in the opening might make chess boring due to its lack of creativity that elite players have to face every single game. Bobby Fischer said "The old chess is banging your head against the wall with its theory".

"You're trying to find some little improvement on move 18 or 20, it's ridiculous. You need more computers and people working for you" said Bobby Fischer in 2003 to explain why he hates old chess.

Computers are giving a huge check to old standard chess. They certainly will discover the key to draw all of the games in the future. Near of the 70% of the strongest computer's games end in a draw. And it's more than probably that soon the amount of draws are going to increase not only for computers but also for humans.

On the other hand, Fischer Random Chess also known as Chess960, has risen its popularity in the past decades since its creation in 1996. The difference between Fischer Random and Standard mode is very strong, though the rules are the same. The initial position is randomly placed to avoid opening theory and we can place the pieces in 960 different ways which allow us to be more creative at the beginning of the game.
I think it's probably that Chess960 will be as popular as Standard Chess in the future not merely because we don't know much about the initial position but because it has the same rules as the old chess. The way we must castle is the same, just make sure any pieces are between your king and your rook. Here's an example:

However, humans are not going to draw every single game because we're not as perfect as computers. The reason why I'm saying Chess960 will be as popular as old chess is because of the opening. In Chess960 creativity is one of the main factors and not just memorizing positions and moves. There are 2000 different variants or thereabouts in chess, so old chess can be solved and we have plenty of different variants to discover.