Excerpt from my book (sorry for grammar, written on a Chromebook with bad keys)

Excerpt from my book (sorry for grammar, written on a Chromebook with bad keys)

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"To publish before I perish"

-Orpheus Nagashi (pen name)

     If I were to find a new world, and I could build a life from what I've missed, cancel all the trauma and experiences and bring light to the good in people, would I be loved and remembered? most people know the bad guy as the examples not to follow, as they are the reason we have rules. But if I made a world void of rules, the world would complain about evil, then i would have to make a world where evil can't tthrive, many rules. and itll be just like earth. humans just cant keep paradise.

     whats the point of making a land to rule if all is free? no monarchy in a rulle free place. no monarchy to worship, no religion or beleifs as they have rule to them. no need. if i could live a life void of ruules and void of evil, i'd have to live alone. as i am te evil, i am why we have rules. I would corrupt the free by making rules in a facade of help, and a shroud of mystery. i would be a bad example. and i do not wish that. so I fear i would live a life completely alone if i was given a "free" land to roam.

     Nothhing is ever really free.yu always have to earn things first before you can get whats free. Life itself is free, but its a "pay to win" type game. there are certain items only gained by aquiring and paying. and if you dont have said item, or the cheat code, youre screwed. you see, life itself is free, and it dsent cost to pay the "free trial". the free trial is short and sometimes, inconvenient, unless you can get ar enough to join another player ad let them share the payed versoion. The free life is plaed on time. and time is not free or gained. you get your allotted amount in the beginning at birth if you've exceeded that amount, youre living on borrowed time. time is the most valuable asset to a human. one might think its a tangible recourse such as air, food, water, or gold. but no matter how many rare recources youve gained and aquired, time will always be at the most important. as it is intangible, and it slips through your hands if you ever try to catch it. you ccant get it back, and once its gone, you can never earn it again. unlike tangible possessions, time is a really valuable recource to have. 

     Youve heard about Father Time and Mother Nature. they go hand in hand as theyve creted everything from the base up. Father time and his endless patience, and Mother Nature wit her unwavering love and support. if you take a moment to observe, you see Father Time with Mother Nature. if yuo watch a plant grow from a sapling to a tree, a kit to a vixen. watch a child grow, holding their parents' hands. Father Time, Mother Nature. Caring mother, Patient father. 

     Time dosent just afect living things. it effects decaying matter, and stone. the canyons we see of long winds and heavy glaciers. the resivoires and deltas of flowing water. water flowing through the crack of stone like sand in an hourglass. weaving away to deposit in a new place, just to shift later on to something unrecognizable to the human eye. you cant see a tree grow if you watch everyy single day. the changes are so small, but if yu watch lng enough, over a long amount of time, its a big chnage, just like erosion and deposition. slowly shifting and building contenants, like every page i wriite, a few small words might not be much, but an entire paragraph, a page, a story, a trilogy, a new rule. this is the creation of rule. where i am the observer. teller of why we have rules. but dont expect this book of seemingly nothingness to be about me and rules. you must find them, like a game. become a kid again. find the childghood you missed, become free again in each page. ignore your rules, become immersed in words. Publish.