Announcing 100 Followers Online Tournament

Announcing 100 Followers Online Tournament

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Hello, dear followers!

I have a (somewhat) special announcement. Once I reach the magic number of followers (100), I will be hosting a brief online tournament to celebrate. Here is the format in a nutshell:

  • Live Five rounds of 3|2 blitz (so should be over in less than an hour).
  • Must be a member of EOGuel's Follower's group to participate (so please join!)
  • Winner claims bragging rights and two electronic trophies (one from, and one from me! ).
  • Games will be posted on my blog.
  • Date and time TBA.

I am really looking forward to this! I will decide the date and time once I get to 100 followers, but in the meantime, if you are a follower, PLEASE join the group! You can only participate if you are in the group, as I can only run tournaments through groups!

I have 89 followers. Go to the link to my blog, and click that "follow" button! 

Hello to all, and welcome to my blog! Visit my profile for more info about myself!


(more description here coming soon)