Unusual Moves -- The Hidden Advantage

Unusual Moves -- The Hidden Advantage

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What's up, everyone! I'm back!!! And hopefully, I will be for a while. I know some of you missed me (at least I assume so!), so here I am with some more content from your typical chess amateur!

This series will be on unusual moves -- moves that seem weird and pointless to the naked eye, though with some proper analysis and logic, it all comes together. I want you to look at the position below, from a game I played last summer -- it was from my first ever FIDE rated tournament!

Image result for summer

Had a nice summer -- played two FIDE tournaments for the first time in my life!


The position is pretty dry. I would say White has a slight advantage in space, though Black was able to neutralize the position. There are no open files, nor clear entries for my Knights. The only "action" going on is the tension with the h6-pawn for Black, and the g5-pawn for White. However, know this kids: releasing pawn tension is generally premature
Would hxg5 help Black? I don't think so. After hxg5 by White, we would have the following position:
There's a somewhat awkward standoff on the h-file. If I take the Rook on the h-file, White will use the other Rook to take back and will control the file for himself. Best case scenario is this everlasting standoff. Do we have better than that? I think we do.
Black to play, find the best strategic move. 
I hope this was helpful! Feel free to comment below, and I will be back soon with another unusual move! Thank you, and Daniel Guel signing off!

Hello to all, and welcome to my blog! Visit my profile for more info about myself!


(more description here coming soon)