
No0bs at Bullet Chess

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No0bs like bullet chess because there is a way to win without any skill. It is called winning on time. In fact, let me show you a game full of blunders:

As you can tell, this is a game of bullet chess between two no0bs ( no offense to Barcelona_man). In order to counter people like this, you can:

  1. Get good internet and make fast moves that are probably bad
  2. Play good like you usually do (only if you're already good at bullet chess)
  3. Take advantages of blunders and hope he (or she) resigns

You can also become a no0b by making moves that hopefully make your opponent think which wastes their time and move randomaly when your opponent is almost out of time.

 I hope this article helps you beat no0bs and pretty much everyone at bullet chess.Thanks to Barcelona_man for my first bullet chess win and that game. I hope you guys like this article and I'll post another blog post on no0bs next week.