D90 Gruenfeld, Schlechter variation - A game in the Portsmouth & District League 2016/2017

D90 Gruenfeld, Schlechter variation - A game in the Portsmouth & District League 2016/2017

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This is a game I played in the Portsmouth & district chess league and my best graded draw in the league.  My opponent playing white offered a draw which I accepted.  He only had around 3 minutes left before the time control at move 30, whereas I had around 30 minutes.  The time control was 1hr 15mins for 30 moves and plus 15 mins to finish.


The game was tight throughout with white missing 18 Be1 to avoid the pawn loss and black subsequently missing on move 24 ... a6 to stop Nb5.  According to computer analysis the position varied from +0.4 at the end for white and -1.0 at move 21.