2024/05/27 DPA: "At The Vertex Lies Power"

2024/05/27 DPA: "At The Vertex Lies Power"

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White to move.  Black has checkmate in one move on h2 and the only way to defend it is 1. f3, opening up a path for the Queen to contest h2.  But this loses the Knight.

The only check is 1. Qc8+ and this just happens to fork the Rook.


White's task was made easier due to the fact that there was no way to directly defend against checkmate without losing a piece, which prompted the solver to look for an attack.  If you follow the CCT/A [Checks, Captures, Threats/Attacks] model, there was only one check.

Another angle to take is to look for undefended pieces and then try to find a way to attack them while simultaneously doing something else [ie check].