Voice of Faith! (VoF)

Voice of Faith! (VoF)

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   Hello! I'm the owner of Voice of Faith club and it is available for anyone to join! We will welcome you with open loving arms! This club is about spreading the love of Jesus, playing chess games, getting to know Jesus, spreading the gospel, and getting to know each other who are in the club! ❤‍🔥 

   In this club, scriptures, quotes, prayer requests, praises, topics about God are posted in the Forums! I plan on at least posting one quote and topic about God are posted every day or every other day. 

   If you believe in Jesus and follow him and want to know more about him or don't have a relationship with him and want to get to know him then we encourage you to join this club! Jesus is the only one who can truly save you from your sins and pain and dark days and the holy spirit is the only one who can give complete overwhelming beautiful peace! Remember, nothing you can do will make God love you any more or any less! His love for you cannot be earned but is given to you openly. Just think, all the people that say they love you, your bf/gf, best friends, regular friends, parents, God love you even more than they do! 

   I really hope if you see this blog of advertisement you will be inspired to join and you keep this club into consideration! It may look small now but I believe in Jesus' name, God willing, this club will explain and lift up Jesus' name and glorify our holy father! And if you do request to join just know you do have to answer three questions before joining which are: 

1. What name can we call you in the club?

2. What does your relationship with Christ look like? 

3. What has led you to Christ?

Thank you for reading this! ❤‍🔥 I hope you join my club! And if not, Jesus loves you and I hope you have a great day! If you have any questions for me you can send a chat or message me at @EnchantedForrest