Book Recommendations: Attacking Books

Book Recommendations: Attacking Books

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Hi everyone! Today I'll be recommending books to read if you want to get better at attacking in chess. This will be the final book recommendation blog post, but make sure to comment down below if you feel that I missed a great book or genre! Without further ado, let's get started!

1. The Art of Attack in Chess by Vladimir Vukovic

Widely considered to be one of the best attacking chess books ever written, this book has been recommended in many courses, including's Prodigy Chess Program. It covers a variety of attacking themes and ideas that you must know, and I would highly recommend reading it at least once. However, some concepts aren't the easiest to understand, so I would say unless you are 1800+ USCF rated, don't read this book. It wouldn't make sense if you're not rated high enough and you'd have to re-read anyways.

2. Attack and Defense by Jacob Aagaard

This is one of the 6 books in Aagaard's Grandmaster Preparation series, and I would highly recommend reading it. Aagaard approaches attacking in a different way, and divides the concepts into a couple key principles, such as get all of your pieces into the attack. All of the books in the Grandmaster Preparation series should be read eventually, and this one is no exception. Recommended for players 1800+ USCF as well, although you can read it earlier if you'd like to. (Generally, the Grandmaster Preparation series is for 1800+ USCF players). 

3. Attacking Manual (Volumes 1 and 2) by Jacob Aagaard

I know, I know, I'm a big fan of Aagaard and all of his books. Nonetheless, even if I had no idea who wrote this book, I would still recommend it! Like Attack and Defense, Aagaard goes over those key attacking principles and really drives it in. I haven't read this one yet, but I'm sure it's great!

Thanks so much for reading this blog post, and I hope you'll go on to read one of these books sometime in the near future! Happy reading!

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