17 Best Hilarious Chess Jokes

17 Best Hilarious Chess Jokes

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1-Why did the chess player get tense in a restaurant? Because the waiter said, "Check."

2-What did the chess grand master do when the big tournament was stressing him out? He took the knight off.

3-What did the chess player say to the waiter? Check, please.

4-What did the judge do to the guilty chess player? He threw the rook at him.

5-How did the king lose his home? One of the horses took his castle.

6-Why wouldn't the cowboy play chess? He was afraid he would lose his horse.

7-Why did the chess player bring a pad of paper and pencils to the chess game? In case there was a draw.

8- What is the most costly move in chess? The check.

9- What do chess players like to eat? Chess-nuts.

10- What do you call a bunch of chess players bragging about their wins in a hotel lobby? Chess nuts boasting in an open foyer.

11- What's a chess player's favourite kind of crisps? Pawn flavoured.

12- Why do chess pieces look so uninterested? Because they're part of a board game.

13- What's the easiest way to move your castle? Re-moat control.

14- Where can you learn to play chess? Knight school.

15- Which knight always lost at chess? Sir Render.

16- Why was the chess board so wet? The queen has reigned for years.

17- Why did the pirates raid They were looking for treasure chess.

Which joke did you like ? I really like number 16