B01: Scandinavian Defense (1.e4, d5)

B01: Scandinavian Defense (1.e4, d5)

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Scandinavian Defense (1.e4, d5)

In the Scandinavian Defense, Black meets 1.e4 by immediately putting the question to the e4 pawn, attacking it with 1...d5. This opening often leads to tricky, scrappy play by Black.


  • A provocative opening
  • Black opens the game immediately
  • Usually both black bishops have freedom


  • After the capture 2..exd5, Black loses time recapturing
  • Usually the White d-pawn will go to d4 afterwards, giving more central space
  • Because Black loses some time, he is in danger of a quick knockout

Personal Winning Game Logs:

Game Play Moves
KironCh vs. EveMarshal 39