Getting started with chess openings

Getting started with chess openings

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Chess is a game of 90% tactics and 10%  strategy. The game is divided into 3 parts-

1) Opening 

2)Middle Game

3) Endgame

Opening- The Opening is the main part of a game. A blunder in Opening will lead to a huge loss in material or even loss in the match.

This is the Most recommended move in the opening. Popularly known as Kings Pawn opening. The intention behind this opening is to develop the pawn, occupy the center, and opening the squares of the queen and the bishop to move. After that the most common reply from the black is e5.

The idea behind this move is the same but also not allowing the white to develop its other pawn (i.e.) D4 pawn.

after that both the players should develop their pieces and Castel ASAP. I will make a separate video on castling. 

Thanks for viewing. hope u like it. And other openings will be covered separately in coming lessons. Till then Stay home Stay save and keep playing chess

Hello everyone!!!!

This is FurnanceDwen64 going on a journey to become a GrandMaster. The lessons on my blog are for those who had just started chess. (i.e.) beginners. But as time passes. The lessons will become more complicated and for intermediate and then Grandmastter. Hope u all r enjoying it. if yes, then follow me and join my club.

Cruz of 64 Square