"Hikaru and GothamChess Tell You to MOVE", a Chrome Extension for time management

"Hikaru and GothamChess Tell You to MOVE", a Chrome Extension for time management

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Hi everyone!

A while back, GothamChess released a video on Time Management, where he recommended players to not spend more than a certain amount of time per move. I thought this was an excellent suggestion, but how are we supposed to keep track of this? Are we supposed to have a timer next to us that we have to press every time it's our move? Or should we be counting the seconds in our heads?

While pondering these questions, one thought was stuck in my head: Hikaru's iconic encouraging words "MOVE, JUST MOVE" when his subscribers start running low on time in sub battles. So I decided to combine all of this together. I created a Google Chrome Extension, "Hikaru and GothamChess Tell You to MOVE", for precisely this kind of time management!

When you have spent too much time thinking on a singular move, Hikaru and GothamChess (or a generic sound effect if you're a boring person) will shout at you to MOVE! You can adjust how long it takes before it reminds you to move, either a flat amount of time or a percentage of your remaining time. Currently this extension only works on

Video (with demo):

Please test it out and give any feedback you may have!

Link to install:

Hope this helps your time management in your future chess games!

Edit: Firefox version is out!