A matter of time for an award.

A matter of time for an award.

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Hey! Today I have a relatively simple puzzle for you to solve. First person to post the answer gets their name posted on my next post, which in that post will reveal the answers. The winner also gets ten trophies. Also, 3 lucky random people who also get the answer right, on a later form, will get 3 trophies from me, and also their names announced. All the members who try the puzzle, however, wrong or right, will still receive 1 trophy from me. Every member only gets one try.

I came across this nice puzzle in Lev Alburt's "Chess training pocket book". Black is down a lot of material and has a weak back rank. Also, the passed d-pawn looks menacing.

Can you save the position and find the best continuation?

It is Black To Move.

Good Luck solving the puzzle!

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