Discovered Check

Discovered Check

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Hello Everyone !!! I am here with another teaching Blog !!

So let's get it straight. The topic for this Blog is :

Discovered Check

When the King is given Check by displacing a piece, it is called DISCOVERED CHECK. In simple words, it is a Check given by removing a piece from its place. Here is an example:

White can play B x N Discovered Check...                                                          
We can also give a Discovered Double Check...                                                 Below is an example :                                                                                           

The example shows a Discovered Double Check. If it is a Discovered check, then the King may block the Check. If it is a Discovered Double Check, the King is forced to move.

Puzzle Time !!!

1. Black to play - Black has several possible discovered checks. He also has a double-check allowing a forced mate in 2 moves. Can you find the winning move continuation for Black?

2. White to play - With a series of Discovered Checks, White can win much material.

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That's all for this Blog. Than you and have a nice day...!!!
