The Knight

The Knight

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Knights in a game of chess are more important than pawns but less important than bishops, kings, or queens. Their purpose in the game of chess is to protect the more important pieces, and they can be sacrificed to save those pieces just as pawns can.

Why are Knights Important?

Knights are the only chess pieces that can jump over other chess pieces. Knights have the ability to check and capture major pieces like king, queen or rook even if they remain in the safety of a crowd of pawns and other pieces. It can also easily escape capture by simply jumping over pieces.

Knights cover close ends and pieces that are close. It moves in an 'L' shape. It is the only piece that can jump over other pieces and it’s so powerful that it can control 8 squares, just like the king.

Knights are very aggressive in close areas and it is the best piece for defence.

In my opinion, I would say that the Knight is the second-best piece in defence before a queen because of the 'L' shape movement.

Knights are also very dangerous in Forks and the most common fork you will see in many games is Nf7 (Knight F7 check forking the king and rook.)

So many opponents need to be careful about knights since they are very dangerous while forking and defending close areas.


Seeing the powers of knights, the knight and the bishop are worth 3 points.

Some sources say that the bishop is better since it can defend long open diagonals whereas knights can defend best in areas where it’s close to the pieces. Bishops are also really good in Skewing pieces whereas Knight is really good in forking (double attacking) pieces.

An example of a Knight fork and movement of a Knight...

White to play - Can you find a crushing Knight Fork for White?

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