The Queen

The Queen

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The Queen is the 2nd most important piece after the King. The purpose of Queens is both to attack and defend. They should be sacrificed for a bigger value like a Checkmate, extra pieces, etc.
Why are Queens important?

Queens are the only pieces that can go both in a straight or diagonal as many steps as it wants (Not outside the board). Queens have the ability to capture all of the pieces and even Mate the opponent's King.

Queens are the pieces that move in all directions as many steps as it wants. It moves in both an ' X ' and a ' + ' shape. Queens are aggressive in both open and closed areas.

Seeing the power of the Queens, they are worth 9 points. Queens are the best in forking, sewing and pinning other pieces.

A few puzzles on the movement of queens.

Black to move - Can you take the Queen to the left-hand bottom corner?
White to play - Can you take the Queen straight to d8?

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