Why I do what I do...

Why I do what I do...

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Someone asked me the other day why I became a Neurosurgeon...

Well... that's an easy one: because it's hard! And I like doing things that most people consider hard.

Back when I was 17 a read a book called "First do no harm: Reflections on Becoming a Neurosurgeon", that marked my life forever. It was then that I decided I wanted to be a Neurosurgeon. I went to medical school, and after I graduated I almost changed my mind and became an oncologic surgeon instead, but the idea of having to go to all the four years of the general surgery residency made take the path of Neurosurgery. I've never looked back since. Later another book came by, "When the air hits your brain", and that only reassured my will.

So now I am but one of the few lucky mortals around the world who perform the art of brain surgery. And that is an honor. It is AWESOME!