Best Chess Opening Tricks

Best Chess Opening Tricks

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Dear Chess Friends!

People sometimes ask me if there is a certain strategy that helps to win regardless of what your opponent plays. Have you ever faced with similar questions about chess and strategies? If yes, please, share these stories into the comment section below this video.
Usually, these guys are amateurs who just learned the rules and may be played a few games. And, of course, my answer is “no”. Because, everything depends on the concrete position!
However, strong chess players know some tricks, strategies, typical ideas and plans that might work in certain types of positions. And this video is about such tricks that are maybe not the best moves, but can give you some practical chances to outplay your opponent!
Ok, this is FM Victor Neustroev and the list of best chess opening tricks that I applied in my games!

1) Save a tempo on castle

It’s very often when you play an unfamiliar position starting from the first moves. For example, your opponent deviated from a well-known theoretical line and made a move that isn’t considered to be a good move. However, at the same time you can’t prove it right now and then you start thinking logically: what this move does, what are its disadvantageous and how to exploit them.

This is how I react on it. And to prove that the move your opponent played is not so good, you should lose tempos. That’s why I’m trying to save a tempo delaying castle. Of course, in such a case you should be sure that your king is not weak.

2) h4 to attack the pawn on g6 instead of pieces development

g6 and kingside fianchetto is one of the most typical ideas for black in closed or semi-closed positions. That’s why if you want to surprise your opponent, you may play h4 to react on g6. First of all, this move will definitely force your opponent to think and spend his time, what is in your favor in blitz or rapid games. Secondly, sometimes h4 is a helpful move, especially if your long-term plan is to attack on the kingside.

I’ll show you a few examples.

3) Qd8-b6-c7 maneuver in Sicilian Defense for black

When you are sure that your opponent is well-prepared for the game and know every line that you usually play you can get him to Godiva Variation of Sicilian Defense. If he is over 2300, he is likely to know how to play this line properly. But if not, you can get a complicated position that you are familiar with and good chances to outplay him in the middlegame.

For many players who are playing for a victory even with black pieces, it can be a good alternative to their primary openings.

4) Wait for Bg5 in Giuoco Piano (for black)

If you play 1…e5 you are likely to get a lot of games in Giuoco Piano. I actually don’t like slow games, but everyone should know how to play them. And I can provide you with 2 tips that can help to make the position sharper.

Please, look at the board. It’s very often when black plays h6 to prevent Bg5. But if you are not castled yet, it’s even in your favor to provoke white to play Bg5, because then you can play h6, g6 and start the attack on the kingside.

5) Play the opening with reversed colors

Do you like playing Sicilian with black pieces? You even score more points with black pieces? Perfect! Play white as you are black.
For example, if you get used to play Sicilian, start the game with 1.c4 and imagine that this is Sicilian with extra tempo.

If you have any suggestions, comments or recommendations, please, share them in the comment section.

Best Regards,
FM Victor Neustroev

My name is Victor Neustroev. I'm a FIDE Master with Elo rating 2305.

Experienced chess coach specializing in tactics and openings. An author of educational chess courses on different learning platforms.

The coach of the champion of Siberia among girls under 9!

Affordable rates! A test lesson is also possible!

I'm 34. I live in Russia, Novosibirsk. I learned to play chess when I was 5. I regularly won prizes at Novosibirsk region Championship and Siberia Chess Championship among juniors. I'm a champion of Novosibirsk City Chess Club at 2002 and a champion of Novosibirsk at 2019.

I got Master's Degree in Economics at Novosibirsk State University and also played for its chess team.

Today I am focusing on teaching chess online and offline. The reason why I do this is because I feel happy when see how my students achieve success.


I teach juniors since 2002. Almost all of my students were ranked. Some of them got prizes at Novosibirsk region Championship.
I also work with adults.


I will teach you how to find tactical strikes in certain position types and how to classify them. I can help you to improve you calculational ability. I also teach you chess openings and I believe you know how important they are. According to the statistics right-playing of the opening makes from 30 to 60% of your success (the exact number depends on your level).
Please, check my youtube videos to know how I teach and what you will achieve working with me.