Webinar 28. Simultaneous Exhibition with FM Victor Neustroev

Webinar 28. Simultaneous Exhibition with FM Victor Neustroev

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Dear Chess Friends!

Would you like to play against FIDE Master?

On the last webinar where we discussed to how to exploit open and semi-open files, many of you suggested to conduct a Simul next Sunday! Sunday is coming I’m glad to announce our next Simultaneous Exhibition where you can play against me!

How does it work? You can attend this webinar as a player or just a spectator.

If you want to be a player – register for the webinar and message me at that you would like to attend the webinar as a player (point your username in this message). This exhibition is limited to 10 players only. That’s why I recommend you to register right now and reserve your spot. When we start the webinar, just log into your account and send me a challenge (30’+30”, unrated). My nickname on is Gertsog.

If you want to be a spectator – just come to the webinar, look at the screen, suggest moves and lines or just comment it. I’m going to comment my moves and ideas too!

What do you get from such a webinar? First of all, you get an opportunity to play with a titled chess player. Second, you will learn how the master thinks:

  • What to take into account before making a move
  • What is useless (or doesn’t deserve our attention)
  • How to evaluate the position
  • And how to come with a plan in a complicated position

That’s why I welcome you to my 28th chess webinar “Simultaneous Exhibition with FM Victor Neustroev”!

If we have enough time, after finishing the games we can analyze them.

The webinar starts on Sunday (12th of April) at 10 a.m. (EDT), 2 p.m. (GMT), 5 p.m. (Moscow time). This webinar is free.

Please, join using this link:

See you on the webinar!
FM Victor Neustroev

My name is Victor Neustroev. I'm a FIDE Master with Elo rating 2305.

Experienced chess coach specializing in tactics and openings. An author of educational chess courses on different learning platforms.

The coach of the champion of Siberia among girls under 9!

Affordable rates! A test lesson is also possible!

I'm 34. I live in Russia, Novosibirsk. I learned to play chess when I was 5. I regularly won prizes at Novosibirsk region Championship and Siberia Chess Championship among juniors. I'm a champion of Novosibirsk City Chess Club at 2002 and a champion of Novosibirsk at 2019.

I got Master's Degree in Economics at Novosibirsk State University and also played for its chess team.

Today I am focusing on teaching chess online and offline. The reason why I do this is because I feel happy when see how my students achieve success.


I teach juniors since 2002. Almost all of my students were ranked. Some of them got prizes at Novosibirsk region Championship.
I also work with adults.


I will teach you how to find tactical strikes in certain position types and how to classify them. I can help you to improve you calculational ability. I also teach you chess openings and I believe you know how important they are. According to the statistics right-playing of the opening makes from 30 to 60% of your success (the exact number depends on your level).
Please, check my youtube videos to know how I teach and what you will achieve working with me.