Chess Titled Rankings.

Chess Titled Rankings.

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The pinnacle of chess achievement, second only to the world champion title, is the grandmaster designation. To attain this esteemed status, a player must reach a classical or standard FIDE rating of 2500 and secure three grandmaster norms in international competition.

International Master

The title of international master (IM) is a prestigious achievement, requiring a player to attain a classical or standard FIDE rating of 2400 and garner three international master norms in tournaments worldwide.

FIDE Master

Earning the title of FIDE master (FM) entails reaching a classical or standard FIDE rating of 2300 in international play. No norms are requisite for this accomplishment.

Candidate Master

The title of candidate master (CM) is conferred upon any player who achieves a classical or standard FIDE rating of 2200 in international competition, without the need for norms.

Woman Grandmaster

Exclusive to female players, the woman grandmaster (WGM) title is earned by attaining a classical or standard FIDE rating of 2300, accompanied by three WGM norms achieved in international competitions.

Woman International Master

Reserved for women, the woman international master title is achieved by reaching a classical or standard FIDE rating of 2200, along with fulfilling three norms in international tournaments.

Woman FIDE Master

The title of woman FIDE master (WFM) is reserved for female players who achieve a classical or standard FIDE rating of 2100. No norms are required to obtain this title.

Woman Candidate Master

Exclusively for women, the woman candidate master (WCM) title is earned by achieving a classical or standard FIDE rating of 2000 in international competition, without the need for norms.