Funniest Names for Chess Openings

Funniest Names for Chess Openings

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Most chess openings are named after dead grandmasters, or a country. But the latest generation has at least embraced the idea of adding a little flair to their favorite - or most blunderous - chess moves, like the Bongcloud or the Botez Gambit.

Here, in no order of utility, are some of the funniest or strangest chess opening names. Look them up and see if you'd like to try one for yourself.

Anderssen's Opening, Creepy Crawly Formation
Coca-Cola Gambit
Hedgehog Defence
Cornstalk Defence
Hippopotamus Defence
Monkey's Bum
Vienna Game, Frankenstein–Dracula Variation
Halloween Gambit
Fried Liver Attack
Noah's Ark Trap