Good News! Scientists Create Chess Bot That Knows How to Blunder

Good News! Scientists Create Chess Bot That Knows How to Blunder

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"Maia is a chess AI designed to do something different: to play as much like a human as possible, mistakes and all.

"Developed at Cornell University, under the lead of computer scientist Joel Kleinberg, Maia's mission is to better understand and predict human moves — including our errors — in an effort to develop AI that can better work with and train mere humans.

"...(Maia) draws its knowledge not from itself or other chess AI, but from flesh and blood opponents. It learned the game not from playing itself over and over, with the goal of learning to win, but watching millions of human games, with the goal of predicting the most likely human move to be played next."

You can play against Maia yourself on Lichess at 1100, 1500, and 1900 levels.