How I found chess
This Image belongs to Bella White

How I found chess

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It was a cold fall and I was sitting around in a local park. Nearby where I was sitting with my parents, I saw two people playing chess. I saw the first man use his queen to glide across the board. I was fascinated. The second man sat there, his finger tapping his chin. He was thinking, and I tell you, I am not a kind of person who was patient. I nearly got up, I was too fascinated that I needed it to go. So, I checked around.

My parents were distracted so, I got up and walked up to a tree near them. 

The man played, suddenly I heard the first man get mad, he had lost his queen. 

Suddenly, I thought I saw something, I saw the first mans eyes gleam. He moved his 'ruke' to one spot, then and now the second man stopped. He got up, packed the pieces and said, good game! I do not know why, so I asked the man. He was surprised to see me and smiled. He explained checkmates and left. I was quite interested, a king and a queen in a game. That sounded like a lot of boring games. 

When we got home, I asked my dad to teach me the game. He called it chess and then when I learned about the queen, I was ready. I played against my dad and nearly won! though it took me a few days, I had gotten it down. I had started my chess love. And ever since, I have played chess.