Wesley So vs. Levon Aronian, Sinquefield Cup 2015, 0-1

Wesley So vs. Levon Aronian, Sinquefield Cup 2015, 0-1

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A brilliant attacking game by GM Levon Aronian who also won the Sinquefield Cup in the end. GM Wesley So neglected development especially castling. One mistake and Aronian caught So's king in the middle, offered a "free" Knight for the crushing attack, and opened up lines to bring remaining forces to the attack.

So, develop your pieces. Park your king to a nice spot! See what I did there? (¬‿¬)

AlSo add this ...Ba5 retreat to your Nimzo-Indian Repertoir (¬‿¬)

Upcoming strong events are: World Cup (September 11th), World Rapid and Blitz Championships (October 9th), Bilbao (October 26th) and London Chess Classic (December 3rd)

Since you came all the way here, I won't send you without any spoilers. In the movie Pawn Sacrifice, Fischer beats Spassky Tongue Out