Magnus' unfinished masterpiece
Carlsen - Svidler in Biel / Photo Lennart Ootes ©

Magnus' unfinished masterpiece

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On Tuesday, Magnus Carlsen and Peter Svidler played a fascinating game in Biel. No dull Berlin Wall or Quiet Italian but a very sharp Bg5-Najdorf with mutiple piece sacrifices. Carlsen brilliantly sacrificed two pieces to attack Svidler’s king and could have finished the game in his favor by sacrificing a third piece! Although he admittedly saw the winning move, Carlsen stated during the press conference that he was unable to calculate the move to a forced win.

For those of you who missed the game, here are three critical moments.

Position after 14.... Nfd7. How did Carlsen continue?
Position after 16... Qxd7. How did Carlsen continue?
Position after 19... Bh8. Carlsen continued with 20.Bg3 and the game ended in a repetition of moves on move 26. How could Carlsen have won?
The press conference with Magnus Carlsen and Peter Svidler right after the game:

The full analysis of the game by