10 Interesting Facts about chess most people don't know

10 Interesting Facts about chess most people don't know

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Hello Everyone! 

In this post I will tell you about some interesting facts about chess you may not know. So, let's get started without any delay. 

01. The number of possible unique chess games is higher than the number of electrons in the universe. 

02. The longest chess game theoretically possible is 5,949 moves. 

03. The word checkmate comes from the Persian phrase "Shah Mat", which means the King is dead.

04. Blathy Otto created the longest chess problem, mate in 290 moves.

Ottó Bláthy - Wikipedia

05. The number of possibilities of a Knight's tour is over 122 million. 

06. From the starting position there are 8 different ways to checkmate in two and 355 different ways to mate in three. 

07. Moving the pawn two squares instead of one in its first move was introduced in Spain, in1280

08. The first chess board with alternating light and dark squares was introduced in Europe in 1090.Isle of Lewis Chess Sets - Buy Lewis Chessmen

09. The first mechanical chess clock was invented by Thomas Wilson.

Rochester Chess Club Blog: 2014

 10. Frank Marsall was the first to play 100 games simultaneously. 

Frank Marshall's 140th Anniversary | ChessBase

Thanks everyone for reading and please tell me in the comments how many of the above you knew before. I will come again with 10 more interesting facts about chess very soon.