How Strong Is the Cat Bot Mitten?!

How Strong Is the Cat Bot Mitten?!

| 3 just came out with new chess bots! (My brother loves cats so this might get him to play).  I will be looking at the blog, "Cat Bots: The Purrfect Way To Start The Year" (Cat Bots: The Purrfect Way To Start The Year - At the start of the blog, it says "Since the dawn of the internet, cats have thrived:" This is what it looks like because I can not beat the final cat bot.

First, let's look at each one. The first cat is the Scaredy Cat, (the name truly fits his eyes) He is rated 800, so he is pretty easy.

The next cat is the Angry Cat (His eyes look right at you!) His playing strength is 1000.

The next mean cat is named Mr. Grumpers. He is a little bit more calm than Angry Cat. His rating is 1200.

And now, the second bet cat in the universe! His name is Catspurrov. I heard that Catspurrov is the cat of Garry Kasparov and has been tough by him as well. This rating tops at 1400.

Finally, we get to Mittens, she is a first time chess player, Playing strength: ?, Location: ?, Age: ?, and Cute: Infinite. This cat has out of this world's performance, Literally. I played her probably 10+ times and lost all of the games. This cat has the mind of a robot. 

According to, she scored 98% Accuracy. I scored 89%. What I think what Mitten's rating is is about 3400. Stockfish is 3500, a perfect score would be 100%. So I subtracted a little bit from the rating because her Accuracy was 2% lower then stockfish. What I think, is that from the world that she came from, she used a super cat computer hidden in her ear. Or, she is the computer! All the other bots went from 800-1400. But with a giant leap to 3400! This must be a robo cat. I can see it in her eyes. I think I found everything about her. Playing strength: 3400, Location: catahplantopia, Age: 1000+, and Cute: Infinite. Thank you all for reading. I am still yet to beat this robot. 😼