Solutions to Zillions of Games Demo

Solutions to Zillions of Games Demo

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Maharaja and the Sepoys - Checkmate in 22 moves, the shortest I found:

The Maharaja piece moves like a Queen and Knight (in my denomination the piece is called Vizier). The object of the game is to checkmate the Maharaja.

By the way, the penultimate position (before checkmate) could be an optimal position to reach for white pieces, see how many squares are covered:

Knight's Tour 4x5:

Rook's Tour 1:

Six Queens' Problem

Six Knights Swap:

Mini Chess 5x5 (draw):


Aquí encontrarán algunas de mis ideas sobre el ajedrez, las cuales, creo, encontrarán útiles.

Here you will find some of my ideas about chess, which I think you will find useful.