An Amazing queen Sacrifice!? Boden's Checkmate!

An Amazing queen Sacrifice!? Boden's Checkmate!

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Hey everyone, This is @IAMDAGOAT123456789 and this is like the 2nd time I made a blog on a type of checkmate...the first one was my favorite, the Damiano checkmate....though it's not like I don't like this one thoughwink.png


- Involves a queen sacrifice

-  can only be played from when your opponents castles queen-side

- Usually happens sometime in mid-game

Obviously this is a checkmating pattern, not some type of gambit or trap so any side is able to play this mate. Of course there are many different scenarios that can lead up to this mate but I'll be showing the one in the thumbnail for, well consistency.

This is the position I will be analyzing today. Some observations of this position I made are that

- the bishop on f5 is blocking the c2 and b1 squares which are crucial to this checkmate

- the bishop on e3 is attacking the weak a7 square

- The bishop on d5 is also treating bxc6 and black will end up with pretty bad double pawn structure.

Now let's see what to play in this checkmating sequence;

So as you might have guessed, the first part of the sequence is Qf3+! or queen to f3 check. This might seem as a blunder but this move forces white to open use their pawn structure on the 2nd rank and leaves the king wide there's only one move that black can play that doesn't make them look like an idiot.....

After, white is forced to play Xc3 or pawn takes on c3 taking the queen. This is forced as the bishop on f5 is blocking the c2 and b1 squares, critical for the king to move if they are under a major threat like this....but anyway, after pawn takes, the best move is ba3!# or bishop to a3 which is mate....This is also known as the Boden's Crisscross mate and you can probably see why as the bishop pair kind of make an X. 

So this is my knowledge on the Boden's Mate...if you have any concerns, questions, criticism or just plain liked it, PLEASE leave a comment down below it really helps and if you liked this one Im sure you'll like my other blogs and so here is the link Click Thishappy.png

Thank you,




Hello, and welcome to my blog! Im so glad that you were able to find this as I want this blog to be know through the whole chess community that has thoughtfully created! This blog is to help people that are wanting to improve or are struggling to get better at chess!


Now, somethings about me!


- My name is Abhirup Mukherjee! I am of Indian Ancestry living in the Bay Area, California! I started learning chess when I was 7, though I really never enjoyed until when I became 12! That was because I entered 6th grade to look at chess a whole new way! I started developing a liking when I got 3/5 in my first USCF tournament with no practice! After this, I started logging on to my account more and more often and right now, I spend about 5 hours a day here! I believe I have come along way since when I first started and I have my previous coach, my local school club, and to thank for that!



What you'll find in this blog series:


- A basic introduction and the main sequence of moves to a certain gambit


- Some historical chess games


- Some checkmate patterns


- Some tips in chess variants and other styles of chess (etc: Bullet, Blitz, and more)


- Some puzzle tips (coming soon)Edit it came, probably my best blog yet:


- And more!

I would recommend taking a look at these blogs, especially if you're U1400 as I believe these blogs could really help you! Also, I aspire to become "Top Blogger" so you're support is really appreciated! Anyways, I truly hope you can enjoy my blog as I put my 100% effort in them! Have a great day!happy.png


Credit to @Chamo2074 and Roger436 for being helpful enough for helping me with my blog!