SO many options!? The Danish Gambit!
Credit to my friend from school for helping me with my thumbnail.

SO many options!? The Danish Gambit!

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Hey everyone, this is @IAMDAGOAT123456789 and I'll be talking about the Danish Gambit! The Danish Gambit is, in my opinion, the most aggressive opening/ gambit in chess! It involves two pawn sacrifices and can lead to many things...after the common moves, there are many different variations on how to destroy your opponentwink.png. But today, I'll be talking about my personal favorite!


- 2 pawns sacrificed

-  Can win you a queen or checkmate

- Very aggressive opening!

The first moves of this sequence are 1.e4, e5...this is called the King's Pawn Opening. This is probably the most played opening, and not for bad reason as a bunch of gambits and traps originate from this. But for today, we will be focusing on the Danish.

After, you play 2.d4 or pawn to d4. This position is called the center game and it's pretty obvious why. The pawns are in control as they are in the middle of the board and are guarding 4 key squares making this called the Center Game....after, a common  response from black is to  capture the d4 pawn by playing exd4 or the e5 pawn takes the d4 pawn. An easier way to think is maybe to look at this as the reverse Scandinavian Defense....Here is a diagram.

After this, you would think that the next move is to retake the pawn with your queen but nnnnooooooooo, you play this, apparently bad and awkward move, c3. As you can see this moves sacrifices a pawn very early in the game. Obviously black wants to win and will take the free pawn.

After you play bc4. At firs, this might seem like that ordinary move that happens that you always see, but then you look closer and you'll notice that you're giving up another free piece, the pawn b2. This looks  move look seven worse than the first sacrifice as now, the pawn is very close to obviously there is a good chance that black will take the pawn.

Obviously, if you don't do anything about the pawn, it can easily promote to a queen or any piece the next move so instead, you play the most obvious and best move, bxb2 or bishop takes on b2. Then, a common response known from from black is Nf6 from black, a common developing, and overall nice move from black.

This is the main position of the Danish. Now after this, there are many variations that you can play but I'll be showing my favorite variation.

The reason I love this variation so much is because these are a common set of moves played and it looks like an easy trap to fall for. If you don't know why this is so good it's because there is no way from preventing Qg7# or queen g7 checkmate. What's more awesome is that black cant play g6 since the bishop is pinning that pawn from moving anywhere which makes this variation so cool.

Here is another variation ( Learned this variation from @ChessTalkOfficialgrin.png);

So this is my knowledge on the Danish Gambit!...if you have any concerns, questions, criticism or just plain liked it, PLEASE leave a comment down below it really helps and if you liked this one Im sure you'll like my other blogs and so here is the link Click Thishappy.png


Thank you,




Hello, and welcome to my blog! Im so glad that you were able to find this as I want this blog to be know through the whole chess community that has thoughtfully created! This blog is to help people that are wanting to improve or are struggling to get better at chess!


Now, somethings about me!


- My name is Abhirup Mukherjee! I am of Indian Ancestry living in the Bay Area, California! I started learning chess when I was 7, though I really never enjoyed until when I became 12! That was because I entered 6th grade to look at chess a whole new way! I started developing a liking when I got 3/5 in my first USCF tournament with no practice! After this, I started logging on to my account more and more often and right now, I spend about 5 hours a day here! I believe I have come along way since when I first started and I have my previous coach, my local school club, and to thank for that!



What you'll find in this blog series:


- A basic introduction and the main sequence of moves to a certain gambit


- Some historical chess games


- Some checkmate patterns


- Some tips in chess variants and other styles of chess (etc: Bullet, Blitz, and more)


- Some puzzle tips (coming soon)Edit it came, probably my best blog yet:


- And more!

I would recommend taking a look at these blogs, especially if you're U1400 as I believe these blogs could really help you! Also, I aspire to become "Top Blogger" so you're support is really appreciated! Anyways, I truly hope you can enjoy my blog as I put my 100% effort in them! Have a great day!happy.png


Credit to @Chamo2074 and Roger436 for being helpful enough for helping me with my blog!