Tips for playing 3 check!
Did my thumbnail a bit differently:DD

Tips for playing 3 check!

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Hey guys....this is @IAMDAGOAT123456789 and today, I will be writing about the variant 3 check! Though my rating isn't too good (only about 800 I think) Im actually pretty good in it! 3 check is probably my most favorite variant as I love making strange combinations just to get 3 checks and win the game! So let's get into it!grin.png


There are a few rules in 3 check so lets cover them firsthappy.png

- To win, you must get 3 checks in the game

- Checkmate will also win you the game

- When you make a move that includes checking the king with 2 different pieces at the same time, it will still only count it as one check

- stalemates and timeouts are also effective just like in a regular chess game!

- To help you remember and keep count, there will be 3 plus signs for your side of the board and their side! This will help you remember how many checks you have made and how many your opponent has madehappy.png


- Don't be scared to make queen sacrifices! Even if they seem as unrealistic as possible, if you can back that up with good play, the you should try it!...Here is a common example I know!

This is actually similar to the greek sacrifice (which I actually made a blog on!) except the fact that you sacrifice the queen instead of the bishop...Ive been able to get to this position a few times before! But the point it....don't be afraid to sacrifice your queen unless you don't have good backup play after.

- Be aggressive! Play aggressive moves! You want to play moves that can easily create checks later in the game! Also, sometimes players will form or put many attackers attacking one square to trap the king and easily get 3 checks or mate is one from one of my older games....

As you can see in this diagram, I played moves that would start focusing on area near the king so it would meh them feel like they are in a rather uncomfortable position and after this, it should be an easy win for you...this is just one way to focus on areas near the king and help get 3 checks or finalize on mate.

- Starts with either 1.e3 as white or 1.e6 as black, or you can start with 1. Nc3 or as black, 1. Nc6.....e3 and e6 are more common and are better in general as they block off any early bishop checks and also prevent any queen sacrifices early on...and still allows you to develop your bishop, queen, and are some benefits if you play this form white or black and someone responds with 1.e5 or 1.e4


and as black....

As you can see, playing 1. e3 or 1.e6, depending on what color you are, is very powerful and proves why playing the kings pawn opening in 3 check can make you very vulnerable.....

1. Nc6 or Nc3 is also a known opening while playing 3 check, and in regular chess it's called the "Van Geet's opening".  This isn't as good as the Van't Kruj's or French defense, but it is still know to pack some lunch and develop early on checks that can win you the game in 3 check.....there are many lines from 1.Nc3 so ill just be showing the first 3 moves of it....

Im not the biggest fan of this opening but it is one worth talking about since people have beat me with this and it is a very known opening while playing 3 check...

- Don't Castle

This is just my suggestion and the one I recommend you follow the least of my tips for 3 check is to try as much as possible not to castle...the reason is because what happens in regular games is that once you castle (any side) one of the first thoughts that come to players is how to attach the h or a pawns (depending on where you castled) and so if you just need 3 checks to win and your opponent castles, it should be easy to get more attackers to the h and a pawns... and one you get 3 checks, the game will be over... here is an example...

This is what could happen when castling kingside...obviously you can see that white will probably play better moves if they know what they're doing but in general, its easy to place attackers on the ned pawns and after awhile, it shouldn't be TOO hard to come away with a win...

This is what happens when castling queen-side...

In my opinion, as long as you have enough defenders for the h pawn when castling queen do have a better chance and as you can see, this game isn't as easy for white as before but white did end up with two checks and so in the end, white has a mildly better chance of winning than black...but usually in 3 check, you want to try avoiding castling as much as possible to lower your chances of getting checked and losing the game....

So these are my tips for playing 3 check...if you have any concerns, questions, criticism or just plain liked it, PLEASE leave a comment down below it really helps and if you liked this one Im sure you'll like my other blogs and so here is the link Click Thishappy.png

Thank you,





Hello, and welcome to my blog! Im so glad that you were able to find this as I want this blog to be know through the whole chess community that has thoughtfully created! This blog is to help people that are wanting to improve or are struggling to get better at chess!


Now, somethings about me!


- My name is Abhirup Mukherjee! I am of Indian Ancestry living in the Bay Area, California! I started learning chess when I was 7, though I really never enjoyed until when I became 12! That was because I entered 6th grade to look at chess a whole new way! I started developing a liking when I got 3/5 in my first USCF tournament with no practice! After this, I started logging on to my account more and more often and right now, I spend about 5 hours a day here! I believe I have come along way since when I first started and I have my previous coach, my local school club, and to thank for that!



What you'll find in this blog series:


- A basic introduction and the main sequence of moves to a certain gambit


- Some historical chess games


- Some checkmate patterns


- Some tips in chess variants and other styles of chess (etc: Bullet, Blitz, and more)


- Some puzzle tips (coming soon)Edit it came, probably my best blog yet:


- And more!

I would recommend taking a look at these blogs, especially if you're U1400 as I believe these blogs could really help you! Also, I aspire to become "Top Blogger" so you're support is really appreciated! Anyways, I truly hope you can enjoy my blog as I put my 100% effort in them! Have a great day!happy.png


Credit to @Chamo2074 and Roger436 for being helpful enough for helping me with my blog!