Dr Phil now a premium member

Dr Phil now a premium member

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For all those who don't know Dr. Phil, he's a lot like Jesus and he combines those fine qualities with also being tall and imposing and he takes the side of housewives in arguments with their husbands while hitting them with some country bumpkin wisdom.   It's made him rich.  Now it seems he plays chess as well, and it should come as no surprise that he isn't too shabby at that either:

In another surprising twist, there's someone on the site who goes by the user name "abstinence."    I remember back in high school when I was actively fighting against abstinence on a daily basis.   Abstinence back then was awful tough to defeat, like a wrestler you couldn't throw off, as many of you probably remember.   I wonder what Dr Phil would do if he found himself challenged by Abstinence.   What advice would he dole out to himself?   And would that advice contain one of those quaint rural sayings about how you can't choke a chicken without breaking some eggs, etc. etc?