Leave your opponent in the dust!
Checkmate your opponent with these quick traps!

Leave your opponent in the dust!

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Looks like you want to learn some tricks, let me bring them right to you!


Now we will look at a trap in the Philidor defence for black!

As you see, this is a great way to checkmate your opponent with a bishop pair!

Now let's take a look at a trap in the Alekhine's defence.

In the above game Averill Powers showed an outstanding trap against Arthur William Dake

Up next we have a winning position for white in the Sicilian Defence.

This trap was played by Arpad Foldeak against F.Nagy.

Now let's take a look at another quick trap for white!

This trap is very effective and can be applied to any similar position.

That's all for this blog post, let me know if this was useful!

Thanks for reading!