Best pieces in different parts of a chess game

Best pieces in different parts of a chess game

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This is just according to me so if you disagree against me,don’t get mad because it is just according to me.

Opening- 1.pawn,best in openings because it is used to take central space and make way for the major/minor pieces to activate.

2.knights,knights are used to take central space and support the central pawns. Have you also heard of the phrase “knights before bishops”?

3.Bishops,they’re used to take central space and can be put on the long diagonal for central control. They also can contral square in enemy territory and pin other pieces.

4.Queen-normally,don’t develop the queen to early, but in certain openings,they’re developed in the opening.

5.Rook,useless in the opening,there is a bunch of pawns blocking the ways,but is used for file control if those files ever open up.

6.King,what does he do? He just sits around and hide behind his pawns when he castles

Middle Game- 1.Pawns,they’re used to defend,they’re used to attack,and they’re used to restrict opponent’s piece movement.

2.Bishop,it depends on the position if it is closed or open. But this price is better than knights,right?

3.Knights,great attacking price but has terrible distance.

4.Queen,can get easily attacked but is a great attacking/defending piece.

5.Rooks,they aren’t used that much in the middle game but is used to control files and of course,attack.

6.King,what does he do? He just sits around behind his pawns

Endgame-1.Rook,endgames are open and most pawns has dissapeared so rooks are great on open lines.

2.Pawn,pawns are important in endgames if queens and rooks are off the board. Pawns are used to kick pieces,promote if the pawn is passed,decoy,and most importantly,EN PASSANT

3.Queen,queens are uncommon in endgames(unless of promotion) but is important,and you already know,right?

4.Kings,kings are crucial in endgames when most pieces are traded,so king is safe in the open. Kings are used to help his pawns,defend his pieces,and do opposition against opponent kings.

5.bishops,bishops are useful but pawns and other pieces can attack it easily. It is better than knights of course

6.Knights,knights are useful but pawns and other pieces can attack it easily. It can do the forky forky.

Thank you for reading it,this is my first huge blog. I’ll try to make more blogs like these.

Thanks for your time👍